Monday, 22 December 2008

Happy Holidays!

I have to admit that I am happy we now see the end of 2008! It has been an awful year...and a very good year...or as my friends (that used to be in the financial market) would say...the volatility has increased. The awful things is of course almost all related to the financial market but I would also claim that the bad weather during my vacation is as bad. Another summer like that and my wife will demand that we sell our sailing boat...and instead spend our vacations on a beach somewhere. This will lead to me being bored, kids who thinks that nature looks like the Canary Islands (that would probably be O.K for my teenage daughter...I still hope that I can save my other two kids) and even more time spend on airplanes. I cannot stand flying so when I fly I always take a drink, the more I fly the more drinks. I will probably end up drinking too much which will affect my job and this my carrier will go down the drain. All of this because of one lousy rainy summer!

One more thing before I will leave you alone for Christmas, there is a problem with Christmas gifts that seldom is discussed. After the kids have received all their new toys they turn to me to make them work. Suddenly I am transformed from my more theoretical approach in life to become an engineer, computer expert or assembler. So my Christmas evening will be spend reading manuals and I usually wreck some of the new toys. This year I have a plan; I will try to persuade my kids to get help from their Mother so I can inspect the work when it is done. I hope my plan will work…I will let you know.

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