Monday, 30 March 2009

GhostNet In The Machine

Sometimes interesting articles about security disappears due to other more important news stories so therefore I want to highlight this one:

The first time I read the story I thought it was a good plot for a Hollywood movie but it turned out to be a real-life example of the insecurities in our world. When I grow up there was a saying in Sweden that came out of the 2:nd World War: A spy lays a puzzle. In meant that a spy would collect little pieces of information from different sources, the same way that this computer network worked. Viewed separately the information was not very valuable but accumulated it was indeed very valuable. The government has a responsibility in this to help private companies and organisations to defend "their piece of the puzzle". I think that governments around the world at least has to make sure that information security is a part of the public debate and to provide best practices and help with information. The problem is now too big and “evil forces” to powerful. Government has a great tradition to help the consumers through international co-operation and regulations. Now is the time to do the same in information security.

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