Thursday, 23 April 2009

More thougths about virtualisation

At my already mentioned meeting yesterday we discussed virtualisation. If you have been reading my blog for a while you probably know that I am slightly cautious when it comes to new technologies such as virtualisations. Everybody seems to jump on new technologies without thinking about security issues...and I want everybody to think before they jump.

Here is some simple advice to minimise security risks:
1. Install a firewall to protect the server
2. Give only granular access for users. This minimises the users access.
3. Do not virtualise applications that are really sensitive. Why, because if another applications running under the same hypervisor are insecure that insecurity can be used to compromise the hypervisor...and then the sensitive application is unprotected.

There is money to be saved with virtualisation, just make sure to do it without compromising the security.
What I really want to say is....think first

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