Monday, 15 June 2009

I am so tired of hidden agendas from vendors

I read an article with someone called Mark Hennessy from IBM today. In the article he claimed that in the future the IT-department of most companies would disappear due to that everybody would use "the cloud" for all types of applications. He is entitled to have his view of course and I also think that a lot of companies will jump on this new outsourcing trend. What makes me irritated is that again a salesperson hides behinds his title….to sell a product. This is not uncommon in the IT-industry..anti-virus companies sends out reports that shows that there are more viruses then ever...router vendors that "foresees" increased usage of Internet (so operators needs to buy new and faster routers). Do they actually think that most people do not see through their marketing effort and take their advice for what it is...pure selling.
On the subject about cloud computing I think that companies that has IT as an integrated part of their business strategy will never outsource all part of their application infrastructure.

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