Tuesday 8 September 2009

Time they are a changing

I read something interesting today, the sales of ADSL is losing momentum due to increased usage of mobile data access. It sounds fairly obvious when I think about it, mobile is easier, more flexible and therefore in a way, more user friendly. But the change is also interesting from other perspectives because it has other implications then just the obvious. The fact that people now can be connected everywhere will create new business models, the need need for new security architectures and more connected "devices". I remember when I (several years ago) tried to buy an "connected refrigerator" (not the best of ideas...) but now we will see a fast adoption of new things connected to Internet.( Please do not tell my wife but I will buy a TV with internet access soon.. ). My next car will probably be connected etc etc. We have talked about this for a long time but the difference is that now it is really happening. Maybe we are now "Back to the Future". What I do not know is who will produce those services, companies like Skype and Spotify has taught me to humble. Ten years ago the industry was filled with fun ideas (not all of them very good) based on new technologies. I think that we will see a lot of that new innovation "pulse" again.

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